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Monarch Obstetrics and Family Medicine

We treat every person with the compassionate, quality medical care they deserve.


Health, Harmony, and Family Wellness

Specializing in Elective, Emergent, and Non-Emergent Surgical Procedures

Monarch Obstetrics and Family Medicine provides evaluation, treatment and education on a full range of conditions.


Monarch Obstetrics and Family Medicine

Monarch Obstetrics and Family Medicine

Our Providers

Dr. Hector Munoz

Family Medicine

Monarch Obstetrics and Family Medicine

Doctor’s Plaza West 1st Floor
910 S. Bryan Rd. Suite 104
Mission, Texas 78572

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed

Preventative Medicine

Preventative medicine, also known as preventive healthcare or prophylaxis, is a crucial branch of medical science and practice dedicated to proactively safeguarding and promoting individual and community health. It focuses on identifying and mitigating risk factors, early detection of potential health issues, and implementing strategies to prevent the onset or progression of diseases and disorders. By emphasizing lifestyle modifications, vaccination programs, regular screenings, and health education, preventative medicine strives to reduce the burden of illness, enhance overall well-being, and ultimately lead to a healthier and longer life for individuals and populations alike.

Pregnancy care

Pregnancy care, often referred to as prenatal care, encompasses a comprehensive range of medical, emotional, and lifestyle support provided to expectant mothers throughout their journey to motherhood. This crucial aspect of healthcare focuses on monitoring and ensuring the well-being of both the pregnant woman and her developing fetus. It includes regular check-ups, dietary guidance, prenatal vitamins, and advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, pregnancy care involves the management of potential complications and risks, as well as preparation for labor and delivery. By promoting early detection and proactive intervention, pregnancy care aims to optimize maternal health, reduce the likelihood of complications, and foster a safe and nurturing environment for the growing baby, ultimately contributing to a successful and healthy pregnancy.

Women's health

Women’s health is a multifaceted field of healthcare dedicated to addressing the unique and diverse health needs of women across their lifespan. It encompasses a wide range of medical, social, and lifestyle considerations, including reproductive health, gynecological care, pregnancy and childbirth, hormonal changes, and the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of women-specific health conditions. Women’s health also extends to mental and emotional well-being, as well as issues such as nutrition, fitness, and sexual health. It places a strong emphasis on preventive measures, early detection, and evidence-based interventions to empower women to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. By recognizing and addressing the distinct health challenges that women may face, women’s health aims to promote overall wellness and ensure that women can make informed choices about their healthcare and quality of life.

Diabetes management

Diabetes management is a critical aspect of healthcare focused on effectively controlling and maintaining blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. This chronic metabolic condition, characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, requires a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle modifications, medication, and regular monitoring. Management strategies often involve dietary adjustments, exercise routines, and weight management to promote healthy blood sugar levels. Additionally, healthcare providers may prescribe medications like insulin or oral drugs to help regulate glucose levels. Continuous glucose monitoring and regular medical check-ups are essential components of diabetes management, enabling timely adjustments to treatment plans. The goal of diabetes management is to prevent complications, improve quality of life, and empower individuals with diabetes to lead active and healthy lives while minimizing the risks associated with this condition.

Management Of High Blood Pressure

The management of high blood pressure, or hypertension, is a crucial facet of healthcare dedicated to maintaining optimal blood pressure levels and reducing the associated health risks. Hypertension is a common and potentially serious condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, and other complications. Effective management typically involves lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes, regular exercise, stress reduction, and limiting alcohol and sodium intake. Healthcare providers may also prescribe medications to lower blood pressure when necessary. Regular monitoring and follow-up appointments are essential to track progress and adjust treatment plans as needed. The primary aim of managing high blood pressure is to prevent its detrimental consequences and promote overall cardiovascular health, thus improving the well-being and longevity of individuals with this condition.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is a multifaceted journey that involves intentional efforts to reduce body weight, typically in pursuit of better health and well-being. It often includes lifestyle changes such as adopting a balanced diet, increasing physical activity, and managing calorie intake. Weight loss can be driven by various motivations, including improving overall health, addressing obesity-related health issues, enhancing self-esteem, and achieving fitness goals. Effective weight loss strategies may also involve behavioral changes, psychological support, and, in some cases, medical interventions like bariatric surgery or prescription medications. Successful weight loss not only helps individuals achieve a healthier weight but can also reduce the risk of chronic diseases, boost energy levels, and improve quality of life. It is essential to approach weight loss with a focus on long-term sustainability and overall well-being rather than short-term fixes or extreme measures.

Sports/College Physicals

Sports and college physicals are comprehensive medical evaluations specifically designed to assess an individual’s physical health and fitness readiness for participation in sports or admission to a college or university. These examinations typically include a thorough review of the individual’s medical history, vital sign measurements, vision and hearing assessments, and a detailed physical examination. Special attention is paid to the musculoskeletal system to identify any existing or potential injuries or conditions that might affect athletic performance. These physicals also often involve discussions about nutrition, fitness, and injury prevention. The primary goal is to ensure that athletes are fit to compete safely and effectively or that students are in good health for their educational pursuits. These evaluations help identify and address any health concerns or potential risks, allowing for appropriate interventions and guidance to optimize performance and overall well-being.

Pre-conception care

Pre-conception care is a specialized branch of healthcare focused on preparing individuals or couples for a healthy and successful pregnancy. It involves a comprehensive assessment of their physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors to optimize their overall well-being before conceiving a child. Pre-conception care aims to identify and address potential health concerns, manage chronic conditions, and provide guidance on nutrition, exercise, and reproductive health. By promoting a state of optimal health before pregnancy, it increases the chances of a smooth and safe conception, reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy, and enhances the prospects of a healthy outcome for both the parent(s) and the baby.

Pap smears

Pap smears are a critical component of women’s healthcare, primarily designed to screen for cervical cancer and detect early signs of cervical abnormalities. During this routine gynecological test, a healthcare provider collects a sample of cells from the cervix and examines them for any abnormal changes, including precancerous or cancerous cells. Regular Pap smears play a pivotal role in early detection and prevention, allowing for timely intervention and treatment if necessary. They are a vital tool in safeguarding women’s reproductive health and reducing the incidence of cervical cancer, emphasizing the importance of routine screenings for women of appropriate age and risk factors.

Wellness exams

Wellness exams, often referred to as preventive check-ups or health screenings, are comprehensive medical evaluations aimed at assessing an individual’s overall health and well-being. These routine examinations typically involve a thorough physical assessment, including measurements of vital signs, a review of medical history, and discussions about lifestyle choices, nutrition, and exercise habits. Wellness exams serve as proactive healthcare measures, helping to identify risk factors, detect early signs of potential health issues, and provide personalized guidance on maintaining and improving one’s health. These evaluations are fundamental in preventing illness, promoting healthy living, and allowing individuals and their healthcare providers to work together to achieve and sustain optimal physical and mental well-being.

Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy tests are vital diagnostic tools designed to detect the presence of pregnancy hormones in a woman’s body. These tests provide a quick and accurate means of confirming pregnancy status, typically by measuring the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or blood. Early detection through pregnancy tests is crucial as it allows individuals to promptly initiate prenatal care, make informed decisions about family planning, and monitor the progression of their pregnancy. These tests are readily available over-the-counter for home use or can be administered by healthcare providers in clinical settings. They serve as a fundamental tool in reproductive healthcare, ensuring that expectant parents receive the necessary support and guidance during this transformative life stage.

Worker’s Comp

Worker’s compensation is a comprehensive system established to protect the rights and well-being of employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. This program provides financial support and access to medical treatment for affected workers, aiming to facilitate their recovery and return to the workforce. It serves as a crucial safety net, not only offering monetary benefits but also covering medical expenses, rehabilitation, and vocational training when necessary. Worker’s compensation benefits not only the injured employees but also their employers by reducing potential legal disputes and promoting workplace safety measures. This system varies by jurisdiction but generally emphasizes the importance of addressing workplace injuries promptly and fairly, ensuring that individuals can receive the care and support they need while preserving their livelihoods.


Immunizations, commonly known as vaccinations, are fundamental preventive measures in healthcare. They involve the administration of vaccines, which are composed of weakened or inactivated pathogens or their components, to stimulate the body’s immune system. This stimulation leads to the development of immunity against specific diseases without causing the illness itself. Immunizations are a cornerstone of public health, contributing significantly to the prevention and control of infectious diseases. These vaccines protect individuals and communities by reducing the risk of infection, decreasing disease transmission, and, in some cases, leading to the eradication of once-devastating illnesses. Immunization schedules vary throughout one’s lifespan, and they play a pivotal role in safeguarding the health of both children and adults.

RSV/Flu/Strep Tests

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), flu (influenza), and strep (Streptococcus) tests are essential diagnostic tools for identifying specific respiratory infections. RSV primarily affects young children and infants, causing respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing. The flu can impact individuals of all ages, leading to symptoms like fever, body aches, and cough. Strep infections, particularly strep throat, result from Streptococcus bacteria and cause symptoms such as sore throat and fever. These tests enable healthcare providers to diagnose these infections accurately, allowing for timely and appropriate treatment. Rapid and accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective management, symptom relief, and the prevention of further transmission, especially in healthcare and community settings during flu seasons and outbreaks.

Glucose Checks

Glucose checks are a vital component of healthcare for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. These checks involve the regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, typically using a blood glucose meter. For individuals with diabetes, glucose checks help manage the disease effectively, allowing them to make informed decisions about insulin dosages, dietary choices, and lifestyle adjustments to maintain stable blood sugar levels. For those at risk of diabetes, regular checks can help with early diagnosis and the implementation of preventive measures. Monitoring blood glucose levels is crucial for preventing complications associated with high or low glucose levels, such as nerve damage, cardiovascular issues, and vision problems. It empowers individuals to take control of their health and make informed choices to lead healthier lives.

Surgical Clearance

Surgical clearance is a comprehensive medical evaluation conducted before a planned surgical procedure. This assessment ensures that the patient is in the best possible physical and mental condition for surgery. The process typically involves a thorough review of the patient’s medical history, including any underlying health conditions, allergies, and medications. Additionally, a physical examination may be performed to assess vital signs, overall fitness, and any potential risks or contraindications for the planned surgery. The goal of surgical clearance is to minimize the risks associated with surgery and enhance the patient’s chances of a successful outcome. It allows healthcare providers to identify and address any pre-existing health concerns, optimize the patient’s overall well-being, and tailor the surgical approach to meet their specific needs. Surgical clearance ensures that patients are well-prepared and in the best possible condition to undergo surgical procedures, promoting their safety and postoperative recovery.


Electrocardiograms (EKGs or ECGs) are diagnostic tests used to assess the electrical activity of the heart. During an EKG, electrodes are placed on the skin to record the electrical impulses that trigger each heartbeat. This non-invasive test provides valuable information about the heart’s rhythm, rate, and overall function. EKGs are essential tools in the diagnosis and monitoring of various heart conditions, including arrhythmias, heart attacks, and heart disease. They help healthcare providers identify irregularities in the heart’s electrical activity, enabling timely interventions and treatment. EKGs are widely used in both clinical and emergency settings, playing a pivotal role in cardiovascular healthcare and aiding in the assessment of heart health.

STD Screenings

STD (sexually transmitted disease) screenings are essential medical evaluations aimed at detecting and diagnosing sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These screenings typically involve a range of tests and examinations designed to identify the presence of STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and others. Early detection of STIs is crucial for prompt treatment, preventing the spread of infections, and reducing the risk of long-term health complications. STD screenings may include blood tests, urine tests, swabs, or physical examinations, depending on the suspected or known exposure. Regular screenings are fundamental for individuals at risk of STIs, such as those with multiple sexual partners or individuals engaged in unprotected sex. These tests are essential for both individual health and public health efforts to control and minimize the prevalence of STIs.

Acute & Chronic Back Pain

Back pain is a common medical condition that can manifest as acute or chronic discomfort in the lower, middle, or upper back. Acute back pain typically occurs suddenly and can result from injuries, strains, or accidents. Chronic back pain, on the other hand, persists for an extended period, often lasting more than three months, and may be caused by underlying conditions such as herniated discs, arthritis, or spinal issues. Both types of back pain can significantly impact an individual’s daily life, mobility, and overall well-being. Diagnosis and treatment often involve a combination of medical assessments, imaging studies, physical therapy, medication management, and lifestyle modifications tailored to the specific type and cause of the pain. Effective management of back pain aims to alleviate discomfort, improve functionality, and enhance the individual’s quality of life.

Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections are a valuable medical intervention designed to alleviate muscle pain and discomfort associated with trigger points, which are tight bands of muscle tissue that often cause localized pain, tension, and restricted movement. During this procedure, a healthcare provider skillfully injects a solution, often containing a local anesthetic or corticosteroid, directly into the trigger point. The injection helps relax and release the tense muscle, providing rapid relief from pain and facilitating improved mobility. Trigger point injections are commonly used for conditions like myofascial pain syndrome and muscular tension headaches. They offer targeted pain relief and can be a crucial component of comprehensive pain management strategies, improving the quality of life for individuals dealing with chronic or acute muscle pain.

Minor Surgical Procedures

Minor surgical procedures encompass a wide range of medical interventions that are typically performed in outpatient settings or clinical environments. These procedures are characterized by their minimal invasiveness and relatively brief duration. They may include minor surgical biopsies, cyst removals, wound suturing, or the excision of small benign growths. While they are considered less complex than major surgeries, minor procedures still require skilled medical professionals and appropriate facilities. They are often used for diagnostic purposes, therapeutic interventions, or cosmetic enhancements. Minor surgical procedures are essential for addressing various medical issues and can significantly improve patients’ well-being with minimal risk and recovery time.

Hospital Care

Hospital care refers to the comprehensive medical services and treatments provided within a hospital setting, where patients receive specialized care, diagnostic assessments, surgical procedures, and ongoing medical attention. Hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, advanced medical technology, and a team of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and specialists, to address a wide range of medical conditions and emergencies. Hospital care encompasses both inpatient and outpatient services, covering critical care, surgeries, childbirth, diagnostics, rehabilitation, and long-term care. It plays a pivotal role in managing acute illnesses, severe injuries, and complex medical conditions, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care to promote their recovery and well-being. Hospital care is a cornerstone of modern healthcare systems, providing a lifeline for individuals in need of specialized medical attention and support.